Tips For Your Next Virtual Interview
If you are currently looking for new job opportunities, it is very likely that you will be asked to participate in an interview over the phone, Skype, GoToMeeting, or other similar platform. Employers often conduct a virtual interview with a potential candidate to better recognize their soft skills before scheduling a personal meeting with them. […]
Project Tips and Tricks

If you are currently looking for new job opportunities, it is very likely that you will be asked to participate in an interview over the phone, Skype, GoToMeeting, or other similar platform. Employers often conduct a virtual interview with a potential candidate to better recognize their soft skills before scheduling a personal meeting with them.
At first glance, virtual interviews may seem more relaxed than an in-person interview. Beware, convincing people of your abilities by phone can prove more difficult than during face-to-face interactions. Here at Swan Software Solutions we want to give you some insight and tips on ways you can prepare and ace your next virtual interview!
Do Not Let Technical Difficulties Hinder the Interview
The last thing you want is for your interview to be postponed because of a technical error. Be sure to do a trial run to test your ability to attend the meeting. Waiting until the interview to find out there is a problem shows your interviewer that you lack proactivity.
To avoid this unfortunate mishap, we suggest doing the following prior to your meeting time:
- Fully charge the device you will be using
- Test your internet connection
- Ensure updates will not run during your interview
- Make sure your device’s audio and video will connect to the communication app
Interviewers are typically not worried about what went wrong, they just know that it went wrong. By testing your equipment in advance you can present an impression of being well prepared.
Be Aware of the Interviewer’s Perception of You
When participating in a virtual interview, resist the urge to be too casual because of your familiar environment. Maintain the same level of professionalism that you would if you were in the interviewer’s office. In order to leave a great impression in their mind, we suggest the following:
- You should eliminate any sources of distraction. For example; children, groups of people, or pets.
- Even if you are talking from home be conscious of your posture and demeanor.
- Dress appropriately and professionally.
- Have a tidy background in view of the screen
Ending the Conversation
Seldom do you wrap up a face-to-face conversation by just saying “Goodbye” and then simply leaving. So, why would you end a virtual interview this way? Finishing the interview strong will make sure you leave a lasting impression.
- Establish solid follow-up steps for you and the interviewer
- Ask when you can expect to hear back from them.
- Thank the interviewer for their time and the opportunity to interview.
- Then wish them a great day/weekend/upcoming holiday etc.
If you follow these recommendations you will have a great virtual interview and be one step closer to landing that dream job!
Let us know if you have any tips for a virtual interview. We’d love to hear them!