Once Upon a Time – a Fairy Tale of Software Development…

Once upon a time, a noble figure had a brilliant idea for a piece of software. All he needed was to hire the right software developer to take his brilliant idea and create the programming to make it a reality. The noble figure set out on a quest through all the strange highways and byways […]




Jody Stinson

Feb 24, 2022

Once upon a time, a noble figure had a brilliant idea for a piece of software. All he needed was to hire the right software developer to take his brilliant idea and create the programming to make it a reality.

The noble figure set out on a quest through all the strange highways and byways of Internetlandia.

He happened upon a programmer at Rumplestiltskin Software Development. “Can you help me turn the straw of my idea into golden programming?” The noble figure asked.

The programmer nodded. “I can. I have just the skills you need. In return for this programming, you will give me your house, your car, and your firstborn child.”

The noble figure shook his head.

The noble figure approached another programming company that had opened up their storefront after a brilliant career designing new clothes for the Emperor. “Will you design my software?”

“I will,” said the programmer. “Give me money, and I will make you the bestest software in the world. Only it might be invisible. If you’re smart enough, you will see it.”

The noble figure shook his head. That didn’t seem right.

Will our hero find a solution?

Discouraged, the noble figure decided to return to his castle. He would give up his dream.

Suddenly, a beautiful swan appeared in the road. “I can help you,” said the swan. “I work at Swan Software Solutions, and we design programming that meets the needs of our customers.”

The noble figure wondered if it could be true. “Do you want my firstborn child? Is the programming invisible?”

“Of course not. We swans deliver what our clients need at a fair price.”

“Then you shall be my software developer,” said the noble figure.

And they all lived happily ever after.

We hope you enjoyed this fairy tale in honor of National Tell a Fairy Tale Day (February 26). Finding the right software developer for your needs doesn’t mean you have to meet all the fairy tale villains. At Swan Software Solutions, we offer a custom solution at a fair price. Contact us for a free assessment. In the mood for more tales? Check out our Swan Fables on YouTube!

Important Disclaimer: We do not actually have any swans on the premises. Although beautiful and elegant creatures, we have found they do not excel at computer programming.