Swan Software Solutions’ Seven Strategies of Satisfaction
Most would agree that there is a definite correlation between satisfied employees and satisfied customers. It just makes sense that when employees are satisfied they are more loyal, more pleasant, and more willing to go above and beyond for their customers. So if you want your employees to take good care of your customers you […]

Most would agree that there is a definite correlation between satisfied employees and satisfied customers. It just makes sense that when employees are satisfied they are more loyal, more pleasant, and more willing to go above and beyond for their customers. So if you want your employees to take good care of your customers you need to take good care of your employees. Here are some of the strategies that Swan uses to hire the best employees and keep them satisfied.
- Fair Compensation
Salary is one of the most important factors in determining an employee’s satisfaction in their job. After all, if a professional feels that he or she receives a salary that is disproportionate to their efforts, workload, experience, qualifications and achievements, they will likely feel undervalued. This can lead an employee to brush up the resume and launch a new job search. However, if a company’s compensation package is in line with the current market and the policies governing pay increases are transparent and understandable most employees will remain satisfied in this area. This is especially true when a company is willing recognize and grant bonuses when an employee really goes above and beyond. Swan evaluates the market trends and continually offers competitive compensation to employees
- Benefit Packages
In addition to their regular salary, many employees expect some perks to go along with the job. These can be in the form of traditional benefit packages such as health insurance, paid sick/holiday/vacation days, and retirement plans. More and more employees expect some non-traditional benefits as well. These include such things as flexible schedules, the option to work some hours remotely, company provided coffee and snacks, onsite recreation, and even the occasional free lunch. Swan currently provides both traditional and non-traditional benefits to employees, and we are always open to new ideas to consider.
- Professional Growth
The opportunity for professional growth is something that can attract a candidate to a position even if the salary is not in the desired range. Whether it is about the possibility of regular promotions, acquiring new skills or being given a new level of responsibility – professional growth is one of the leading factors that determine employee satisfaction. Swan maintains a focus on enhancing employee skills through company paid classes.
- Corporate Culture
In addition to compensation, benefits and professional growth, corporate culture can be a strong factor in determining if an employee is satisfied with their job. When an employee feels that his or her goals, values and priorities coincide with those of the company, that gives he or she the sense of belonging. Being valued as part of a team increases participation, boosts morale and enhances employee satisfaction. Swan believes in being transparent with employees and clients and puts an emphasis on building and maintaining relationships. Swan hosts many team building events at the local office level throughout the year.
- Communication
Communication is an important factor in all relationships. For an employer-employee relationship good communication means that employees understand corporate visions and strategy and how their specific role fits into the overall plan. This understanding helps employees to fully engage and be more successful. Likewise it is important for companies to give employees the opportunity to be heard by management. This kind of two way communication ensures the relationship between employee and employer is built on trust and openness and leads to satisfaction on both sides. Swan promotes company wide collaboration and provides multiple opportunities for suggestions and discussions with all levels of employees. - Balance
Modern technology allows employees to work from almost anywhere, anytime, while also allowing them to stay in constant touch with family and friends. This overlapping of work and personal life makes it more important than ever to be able to strike a balance between the two. More balance means less stress. An employer’s willingness to be flexible in areas of working hours, remote work, and time off can significantly reduce an employee’s stress level and therefore, raise their level of job satisfaction. Swan empowers employees to maximize their personal time management in order to strike a perfect balance in their lives.
- Recognition and Rewards
Employees want to do good work, and they want to know that someone notices when they do. Of course every completed task doesn’t have to be received with a ticker tape parade, but there is nothing wrong with regular acknowledgement of a job well done. Publicly acknowledging major accomplishments or when an employee has gone above and beyond not only increases individual employee satisfaction, but it increases morale in general when everybody see a attitude of gratitude from the company. Simple gestures such as a catered lunch for the team at the completion of a tough project, or a tough week, can go a long way. Swan regularly recognizes the efforts of employees both privately and publicly. When you do a good job here, everyone knows.
If you or someone you know is interested in being a satisfied Swan employee or having some of our satisfied employees working on your next project please contact Swan Software Solutions. We look forward to hearing from you.