Why War? A Ukrainian-American Explains the History and Reasons

Last night, Russia attacked Ukraine. Yet, that attack was merely the culmination of hundreds of years of aggression from Russia against Ukraine. This latest war began in 2014 when Russia invaded and took Ukrainian land. Since then, a hybrid war of cyberattacks, snipers, propaganda, and more has been waged against Ukraine. Many people around the […]




Jody Stinson

Feb 24, 2022

Last night, Russia attacked Ukraine.

Yet, that attack was merely the culmination of hundreds of years of aggression from Russia against Ukraine. This latest war began in 2014 when Russia invaded and took Ukrainian land. Since then, a hybrid war of cyberattacks, snipers, propaganda, and more has been waged against Ukraine.

Many people around the world might not understand the conflict. Maybe they even have false beliefs. They’re asking questions like–

“Isn’t Ukraine just like one of those Russian states?”

No, Ukraine existed hundreds of years before Russia.

“Why is Ukraine so important to Russia?”

Russia covets the resources and land of Ukraine.

“Why are they fighting?”

To explain the history and reasons behind this horrific Russian attack, Alex Morozov, Founder and CEO of Swan Software Solutions and Ukrainian-American, shares in this column published on Current Publishing.

Swan is doing all we can to support the Swan team who woke up to a country at war. The path they are on isn’t easy, and we are so grateful to our clients who are supporting them and Swan in this trying time. Many have asked how they can help.

Here are several ways that you can make a difference.

  1. Share the article Alex wrote. With Russia churning out propaganda, it is important for the truth to be out there.
  2. Post your support for Ukraine on social media.
  3. Raise awareness and rally support.
  4. Support businesses in Ukraine.
  5. Donate.
  6. Pray.

Here are four ways that will enable you to provide help to Ukrainians.

The National Bank of Ukraine has opened a special account to raise funds for the Ukrainian Army. Anyone from any country can donate!
The account is multi-currency. It is opened for transfers of funds from international partners and donors, any person as well as from Ukrainian businesses and citizens.

For donations in USD:
BENEFICIARY: National Bank of Ukraine
Bank account IBAN: UA843000010000000047330992708

Intermediary Bank:
Account: 400807238
383 Madison Avenue, New York, NY 10179, USA

To make a donation through the National Bank of Ukraine with your credit or debit card click here.

Please keep Ukraine in your thoughts and prayers.

God Bless America.

God Save Ukraine.

To watch an important message from Alex Morozov, click here. Read Alex’s full article on Current Publishing here.