Revolutionary Charity

Designing an app to bring charitable giving into the modern world

  • Industry


  • Time Frame

    8 months

  • Business Type


  • Team


    Quality Engineers

    Project Manager


As people committed to helping those less fortunate, our clients often attended charitable galas. Although these events raised funds, our clients noticed the expense involved in putting them on, the time required to prepare and attend, and the lack of connection they had with those they were trying to help.

There had to be a better way to reach donors, collect funds, and connect people.

When one wasn’t readily available, our client made a decision, and their goal of making a difference expanded from just

donating money to worthy causes to making a difference in the way people supported nonprofits by empowering charities to raise more money.

By utilizing modern technology, they could take charity from the fuss of attending a fancy gala to the ease of clicking a button on one’s phone. Their goal was to allow people to give wherever they were, whenever they wanted, and foster connections with other donors and recipients. To do this, they needed to revolutionize the way people give.

Limited by Location
Lack of Connection
No limitations on Time or Location
Greater Connection

The company knew that they wanted to create a way to give that was easy and accessible. They decided that an application created on both Android and iOS would enable nonprofits to download and create events with ease. In addition, donors looking for a cause could connect with those in need through the medium of their mobile devices.

This application would also encourage greater social “The Swan Software Solutions team has been truly professional at all stages of our project.” -Client Founder connection and fun interaction. However, the application needed to be created with a three-tiered architecture for online bidding.

The Swan Software Solutions team has been truly professional at all stages of our project.

Client Founder

The user interface layer, the application logic layer, and the data layer needed to be developed and maintained as independent modules on separate platforms.

The client requested that the application be created in such a way that changes made to one layer would not impact the user interface layer–thus allowing for easy maintenance of the application’s code database.

With their list of needs and requirements defined, the client contacted Swan Software Solutions to help them bring their innovative idea into reality.

As a company committed to charity, Swan was thrilled for the opportunity to work on this worthy project.


Charity is nothing new. In ancient Israel, a mandatory tax or tithe was taken to help those in need. Ancient Greeks considered philanthropy fundamental to democracy. The first Roman Emperor provided aid to thousands of people. Many other ancient civilizations also taught the importance of benevolence, kindness, and caring for those in need.

In 1601, the British parliament defined what could and could not be defined as charitable, and 42 years later the first American fundraising drive took place. Organized by Harvard University, the drive raised 500 pounds. In 1774, after a rather famous tea party, the British government punished Boston by imposing a blockade. With the city facing ruin, only the outpouring of American charity saved the city. Charity provided America’s first hospital, first orphanage and first school for the deaf. Even America’s most famous museum – the Smithsonian Institution–was established due to the charitable bequest of a British scientist. In 1904, Demark began to sell inexpensive Christmas seals to raise money, a method that allows even working class donors to contribute to a cause. The following year, formalized fundraising –including hiring a publicist and using corporate funds to pay for advertising–began and quickly spread.


The word Philanthropy, rooted in Greek, enters the English language. Meaning: Love of mankind.


A sermon preached in America establishes an early model for American philanthropy.


The first American orphanage is established.


The Nobel Prize is created.


Congress exempts charitable organizations from paying federal income tax.


A charitable gift enables the establishment of the National Gallery of Art.


US Supreme Court rules that corporations can give to causes that do not directly benefit the company.


The client’s goals were clearly defined, and the Swan team began to develop the planned solution. The team of four designed the user interface, infrastructure, and server layer. They also wrote the cloud communication of the application. Each layer was created separately in a three-tiered structure.

The result was an expansive mobile product that encompassed a fully integrated, end-to-end fundraising software solution.

During the discovery process, the technology stack was selected in order to create the ideal combination capable of doing what the client needed.


The client and Swan set a goal of eight months for the launch of the application.










The amount of money given to U.S. charities in 2020.


The percentage of total giving that comes from individuals.


The average online donation given by Americans.


Approximate number of high net worth households that give to charity.


The approximate percentage of the American adult population who volunteer energy, time, and talents.


The percentage of people worldwide whose charitable donation is a tribute gift. Memorials, birthdays, and significant events top the list of occasions.


Within eight months, the project was created and deployed. Swan developers worked in conjunction with Quality Assurance Engineers to ensure that the project would be created at the highest level of quality. A Project Manager ensured that the budget and time frame would be followed.

The project was launched and was a huge success. The client has continued to expand and provide more ways for people to give. What began as a way to raise money without a gala has transformed countless lives.

With billions of dollars raised and millions of supporters, the client company has enabled thousands of charities to raise the funds they need to help their fellow man.