HR Manager or IT Recruiter?
What’s the difference between an HR manager and an IT recruiter, and do you need both? In the ever changing world of information technology many companies are asking this very question. Whether your company has an entire IT department or if your need for developers is temporary or project based, you need a solid strategy […]

What’s the difference between an HR manager and an IT recruiter, and do you need both? In the ever changing world of information technology many companies are asking this very question. Whether your company has an entire IT department or if your need for developers is temporary or project based, you need a solid strategy for finding the right talent to fill your needs. Larger companies often have both an HR manager and an IT recruiter, while many small to midsize companies either rely solely on the HR Manager or use an IT recruiter as an independent contractor. In addition to finding the perfect candidate an HR Manager is generally responsible for organizational department planning, performance management, employment compliance, onboarding, employee development, training, policy development, documentation, company employee communication, compensation and benefits administration, employee safety, and the list goes on. An IT recruiter is a specialist who is solely focused on matching a company’s technology needs with candidates who possess the required skills and expertise as well as being a good fit with company culture.
Tasks and responsibilities
The main task of the HR manager is to accompany the employee throughout the lifecycle of his/her time with the company. The HR Manager prepares for the employee, helps the employee adapt to the team, resolves conflict situations, monitors professional development, manages benefits, communicates policies and procedures, verifies compliance with all related regulations, offboards employees, and maintains employment records.
The duties of an HR manager may include:
- tracking employee loyalty;
- mapping employee development;
- organizing training events;
- organizing corporate events;
- reviewing salaries;
- overseeing benefit/social packages;
- disciplinary support;
- internal document management.
A typical HR-manager’s work day includes:
- communication with company employees (memos, face to face meetings);
- work with documents (applications for leave, vacation approvals, salaries changes, new hire paperwork, termination processing);
- preparation of events (Training seminars, holiday celebrations, team-building activities).
The main task of the IT recruiter is to find potential candidates and successfully close company vacancies. Typically, the process begins with the IT recruiter receiving a request for a vacancy. Then the recruiter will communicate with the appropriate company representatives, which may include the team leader or project manager, in order to determine the specific requirements of the position. Then the recruiter will make a detailed job description based on requirements provided. Then the recruiter begins the active search from within their extensive network of candidates. Once a group of suitable candidates are identified the recruiter begins conducting a series of interviews, administering proficiency tests if applicable. Once the IT recruiter has narrowed the field to a handful of applicants they will schedule interviews with the company representative. When the right candidate is selected the HR manager will take over and begin the process of onboarding the employee.
Key responsibilities of the IT recruiter:
- assist in clarifying specific job descriptions;
- search and selection of qualified candidates;
- conducting initial interviews;
- tracking a candidate through all stages of recruiting;
- providing feedback to the candidate in case of refusal;
- maintaining an extensive base of candidates.
To be a good IT recruiter, it is important to understand the market and the features of its development, to know the key people on the market, to follow the news in the field of Information technologies.
A typical working day for a IT recruiter is:
- communication with companies to understand the requirements of the vacancy;
- communication with candidates to understand qualifications
- Reviewing candidates’ resumes or CVs;
- correspondence and initial interviews with candidates;
- scheduling interviews between candidates and companies;
- providing feedback to candidates not selected.
The process of filling a vacancy can be as short as a week or it can take several months depending on the requirements of the position, the scope of the project, the budget, and the density of the market.
Still trying to decide if you need an IT recruiter? Swan Software Solutions has the experience and manpower to help. Our team of Project Managers, Software Developers, and QA Engineers can do end to end development on your project, or we can act as a scalable extension of your team. Let us know how we can get started helping you today.