Categories: Technologies

Tags: Development, Low-Code, No-Code, Pros and Cons, Technology

Low-Code and No-Code: Revolutionary or Just So-so?

No-code and low-code options have recently flooded the market, giving companies and developers a simpler way to develop their software. However, concerns about scalability and privacy have led some to stay away from this new approach to coding.

For anyone who gets hives when they contemplate coding, no-code and low-code might seem like a dream come true. Creators can use their own intuition to drag and drop components to create an application. Essentially, coding morphs from textual to visual.

Sounds great so far…so what are the drawbacks? 

First, we must discuss the difference between No-Code and Low-Code:


  • Mostly for non-developers
  • No coding experience is needed
  • Simple mobile and web applications
  • Great for those who are just starting in development


  • Some coding experience is needed
  • More complex solutions can be attained
  • Can save time from development


While they provide options, there are concerns about the safety of these platforms for businesses. Because these platforms are expanding so fast, there is not yet enough regulation to ensure complete safety of your data. 

Furthermore, no-code and low-code solutions have trouble with scalability. These coding solutions are made to be simple, which means that it’s hard to grow complex ideas out of a limited set of tools.

Think of it like kitchen tools. One can make a variety of salads with a knife and bowl, but what if one wants to bake a souffle? Without a whisk or an oven, one would find themselves unable to do so.

It’s also hard to put in any custom tools in the code, as there are a limited number of ways to customize the platform and/or application. As with any form of customization, one is limited by the base components. There are a limited number of workable combinations.

Let’s use the salad example again. There are a number of ways ingredients could be combined–but a far more limited number of ways ingredients could be combined well. Does anyone want a salad of marshmallows, pepperoni, kimchi, caviar, and brussels sprouts?

Companies also face a dilemma with another problem: lock-in. When companies deal with no-code solutions, they face having all of their development locked in into a single platform, and no way to remove it if that platform doesn’t work for them.

Let’s move from salad to a cake in this example. Imagine if you could bake a cake, but only in a specific kitchen. It might be an amazing cake, but if the kitchen breaks down or you want to change kitchens, you will no longer be able to get your cake.


No-code and low-code have their uses. For some, they are a dream come true. For others, they are basically useless. It really depends on what an individual or company needs.

If you need the right technology partner to bring to life your world-changing or business-transforming idea, we can help. Contact us to schedule a free assessment.

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