Lunch with Todd Young and a Surprise Chance to Speak
Our CEO, Alex Morozov, headed to a fundraising lunch for Senator Todd Young from the Great State of Indiana. Two congressmen were also in attendance. Alex was born in Ukraine, and he still enjoys many professional and personal connections with people across Ukraine. He approached Mr. Young for a private conversation to discuss Ukraine, the […]

Our CEO, Alex Morozov, headed to a fundraising lunch for Senator Todd Young from the Great State of Indiana. Two congressmen were also in attendance.

Alex was born in Ukraine, and he still enjoys many professional and personal connections with people across Ukraine. He approached Mr. Young for a private conversation to discuss Ukraine, the situation there, and what might happen when President Trump takes office in January.
Mr. Young kindly talked to Alex about the situation in private. During Mr. Young’s question and answer time, Mr. Young was asked about Ukraine and the situation there.
Mr. Young shared and then went further than just speaking about Ukraine himself. He called on Alex and invited him to share his thoughts too.
A Great Opportunity

Alex was excited by the opportunity to express his thoughts to such a powerful crowd. Alex shared the risks he could see for the United States regarding the Ukraine crisis. He stated, “If the US leaves Ukraine, it would be worse than the Afghanistan disaster, and it would only increase Putin’s appetite for more blood. While Ukrainian solders are dying now, then it would be Americans.”
Mr. Young, and the attending congressman, summarized the message with assurance about the unconditional support of Ukraine and promised to do everything possible to defeat Russia, Iran, and China.
Alex was surprised, and very grateful, to have had this opportunity to speak in support of Ukraine, live in this great state, and be a citizen of this wonderful country.
God bless America. God save Ukraine.