Why We Use JIRA Agile In Our Development
In the fast-paced and constantly changing world of software development an increasing number of teams and organizations are using Agile tools to develop products, which meet and exceed their customer’s’ expectations. JIRA Agile is a JIRA supplementation. It was produced and developed by Atlassian for supporting Agile methodologies like Scrum and Kanban. JIRA Agile enables […]

In the fast-paced and constantly changing world of software development an increasing number of teams and organizations are using Agile tools to develop products, which meet and exceed their customer’s’ expectations.
JIRA Agile is a JIRA supplementation. It was produced and developed by Atlassian for supporting Agile methodologies like Scrum and Kanban. JIRA Agile enables project teams who are already using JIRA to adapt to Agile practices easily and vice versa.
JIRA Agile is an indispensable tool that complements the JIRA build. It will allow your team to discover the true strength of the Agile methodology. The uniqueness of this add-on is that it can be used both by the Agile masters and the novice project managers and their teams.
With JIRA Agile you can:
- create and evaluate user stories
- build the sprint task list quickly and clearly
- assess duties and team speed
- visualize team activity
- report on the project progress
Planning with JIRA Agile
Whether you use Scrum or Kanban- JIRA Agile fully satisfies the requirements of Agile methodology in projects. Advanced features of the system allow you to tailor it to fit best practices for your organization. It easily integrates with JIRA, Confluence, and Atlassian tools for developers.
Precise evaluation
JIRA Agile allows you to estimate bugs and add them to user stories. Tracking the points for each story simplifies the process and enables your team to be more exact in evaluating the stages of the project.
Prioritizing of tasks
You can set the order of user stories and bugs in the task list – just do a transfer and reset. The most valuable stories for the client are placed on the top of the list.
If you have a huge list of tasks, JIRA Agile has the ability to filter them with an easy to use search.
Transparency of JIRA Agile
Team members can update the status by simply dragging from one field to another, or edit project details in an integrated window with detailed information.
JIRA Agile has set a new level of transparency, since everyone sees one screen (display), regardless of whether they are in the office or working remotely.
Expandable evolution of JIRA projects
Agile is constant work with gradation: from expanding types of tasks in JIRA to adapting while your team is advancing through the project.
JIRA Agile operates on the same principle. It organizes tasks of different projects into one board and quickly sets priorities for the list of tasks.
To learn more, contact the professionals at Swan Software Solutions today. Our project managers are prepared to help you organize and implement any process in software development with Jira tools.