How Technology Transforms: the Christmas Edition
Many people talk about the way technology has transformed our lives. Christmas is just one other thing that isn’t quite the same as it used to be. Although, indeed, Christmas as it used to be had nothing to do with the very first Christmas. Before the internet, buying Christmas presents required a trip outside of […]

Many people talk about the way technology has transformed our lives. Christmas is just one other thing that isn’t quite the same as it used to be.
Although, indeed, Christmas as it used to be had nothing to do with the very first Christmas.

Before the internet, buying Christmas presents required a trip outside of one’s home. Love was slogging one’s way through the bitter cold to battle crowds to obtain the perfect present. If a given store happened to be out of the item, one could wrap up an IOU or pick a different gift. With the advent of online shopping, people can snuggle inside and point and click. No crowds. Less stress.
But the first Christmas had no presents. Indeed, the wise men’s gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh probably didn’t arrive for a year or two.
This is great for all those who are belated gift givers.

Christmas light displays have also been transformed by technology in a variety of ways. With candles giving way to electric lights, Edward H. Johnson hand wired the first Christmas lights on his Christmas tree in 1882. Today, people don’t even need to put up Christmas lights. Instead, light projectors make it easy to illuminate one’s house for the holidays. Even if one goes traditional with their lights, we no longer have to search the strings for the burned out bulb that is keeping them from lighting up.
The first Christmas was illuminated by the light of a single–albeit miraculous–star. So for anyone who prefers simple decorations, you’re in good company.
Christmas letters that were once depended upon to update family and friends on the yearly happenings of one’s family are becoming less common. People have social media and email that makes it so much easier to let everyone know Ryder graduated and Melissa married. In fact, most not only know it happened, but have probably seen photos or streamed the event live. Perhaps he or she even sent a gift or flowers.

The first Christmas was announced by angels to simple shepherds. Socially looked-down-upon in the era, the shepherds received the honor of an angelic choir. So if you’re not into sending fancy cards, try saying a simple Merry Christmas to a stranger.
Technology is wonderful, but Christmas gives us a chance to reflect on the simple things. The first Christmas — which brought the greatest gift ever given to the world — wasn’t filled with impressive decorations, important people, or expensive gifts.
It was just about Love.
So from our families to yours, have a blessed and merry Christmas and Happy Holiday season.