Categories: Project Tips and Tricks, SWAN

Tags: Developer, Software Development, Traits

Important Traits of a Good Developer

What traits make a good developer?

Swan decided to ask our team of skilled developers, QA engineers, cybersecurity experts, and other personnel what, in their opinion, was the most important trait of a good software developer.

The most important trait of a good developer is…

“First, you must understand what needs to be done in the task. Only then can you start to do it.”

“A developer needs to have hard skills because it has a direct effect on the final product.” Another team member pointed out that soft skills were also important. “Soft skills. They are essential to your career.” Still, another believed that both hard and soft skills could be summed up in one word. “I think [the most important trait] is professionalism, including soft skills and hard skills. The client-oriented result is the most valuable approach.”

Many pointed out the importance of perseverance. “Never give up and always learn.” “Practice makes perfect.” “Improve your skills every day and practice as much as possible.” “Constantly learn something new and be ready to put it into practice.”

Some mentioned that responsibility was important. Many also pointed out that loving one’s work mattered. As one summed it up, “Passion for the work I’m doing. Because the more passionate one is for things one’s doing, the more interesting experiments you can do, and the more satisfying results you can get.”

Patience often appeared. As one team member explained, “It’s not always possible to implement some kind of functionality the first time. That’s why developers need to be patient to find a solution.” Others put it as, “A developer cannot be afraid of making mistakes and learning something new.”

Communication also ranked high on the list. In fact, one developer put it this way, “Supreme Communication Skills. Good communication skills are directly related to good development skills. A great developer is able to understand problems well, break them down into theories, and propose solutions in a coherent way.”

While the developers often mentioned experience, one developer pointed out the necessity of, “Adaptability. The IT world is changing rapidly, and as a developer, you need to stay adaptable. It’s a safe bet to hire people who are always on the lookout for new tools and ways of doing things. They often follow industry news and simply care about the craft.”

Swan’s Team

Swan Software Solutions has a great team. Our team has worked to acquire these skills and put them into practice.

Our team’s skills enable us to create reliable, scalable, and affordable solutions for many clients in a variety of industries.

If you’d like to discover how Swan’s skills could make a custom application for your business, schedule a free assessment. To discover more about how Swan works, check out our YouTube channel.

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